Pro Video Talent recently live streamed from the showroom of Drexler Shower Door, a high end shower door and glass company in Atlanta. The owner of the company, David Drexler, had wanted to produce several videos. Pro Video Talent went live on the client’s Facebook page for a question and answer with Facebook fans, and we also covered a few topics, including the story of Drexler Shower Door, commercial projects, latest trends, showroom tour and the history of the company. After the half hour video was over, Pro Video Talent edited each topic into a short video for use on the client’s website and social media.

Here are a few benefits to consider:

  • The LIVE video produced twelve short videos that covered all types of subjects.
  • One half hour video = 12 short videos.
  • These videos, shown below, are branded and uploaded to youtube.com.
  • They can be used on your website blog, Facebook page, Instagram, LinkedIn, & More.

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